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We all must bow down to him or welcome death. He is the ultimate being. IP: Logged Repulsorgiest o its a Ice Factor combo Posts: 151 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: houston texas Posted: September 20th, 2001 03:18 PM I got the vids from my friend so i cant give ya a link cuz i dont know it but ill try to get it for you there preety sweet man i got lots __________________ killer bee that shit down i dont build metter for cable nor sent but cammy cammy+metter=death IP: Logged Incredible Hulk Hulk crush pixies Posts: 343 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: AUSTIN,TEXAS Posted: September 20th, 2001 03:39 PM quote: Originally posted by Repulsorgiest ya i was whating some jap vids of him and he looked pretty damn good they did like pyslock air jugal to hulk gamma crush (and it waz not mashable) and did hella lot of dameg so can anyone help me with hulk strats thanks Where did you see the video? Lets just get this out of the way, Hulk dies to runaway doom storm blackheart cable and just about any one that can trap him from a full screen away. All his moves are only effective up close. That being said Hulk can be very effective against rush down characters. I will put my hulk/storm/ken or cap team against the popular mag/storm/psy anyday. Back him with one of these assists sent ground/storm a/doom AAA/ jugg alpha or gamma and rush like crazy. Use his gamma charges to get him close(cover the lag with ground assists) if charge connects cancel to gamma wave or quake. Keep on them, throw as much as possible. Try lk, cr.Hp, air combo also. The lk comes out really quick and he has super armor so even if they hit you first it will still come out most of the time. If the launcher whiffs cancel it into weak gamma wave to cut down on the lag. If opponent is at normal jump height above you jump up and air throw them. After the air throw do a J.Rk emmediately into lk,lk gamma charge, super of choice or charge if no meter. I cannot stress enough the need to keep control of the match with him. If he sits in one place too long he is very easy to trap. His beta assist is his best. It hurts, it is pretty fast, and it gets in the way of alot of things. He can be a big shield if needed. One thing I like to do with him is kill assists. Hulk/storm/aaa is a team I play alot. Say the guy you are playing over uses his assist. Wait till he calls assist, gamma crush(guide the crush to the assist not the point) then dhc into hail storm. Does insane damage. I have killed many a psylock with this tactic. They see this one time and it will change the way they play you from then on. If you like magz then put hulk second. Get them in a tempest combo then dhc into crush. The rocks hold them in the air so they can't mash it and he drags them all the way to the ground. This combo can kill any character. Sometimes 70% sometimes death, it depends on how many times the crush hits. Hulk is a fun character to play. He won't win you a tourney but if played effectively he can surprise alot of ppl. __________________ Don't do school and stay in drugs IP: Logged Repulsorgiest o its a Ice Factor combo Posts: 151 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: houston texas Posted: September 20th, 2001 05:52 PM thanks man that help ya he is a good assiste killer and hes pretty good char him self thanks for every thing ill see about the vids then ill get back with ya __________________ killer bee that shit down i dont build metter for cable nor sent but cammy cammy+metter=death IP: Logged Mr. E Senior Member Posts: 282 Registered: Dec 2000 Location: Westwood, CA Posted: September 20th, 2001 07:01 PM this might be a weird question, but... is hulk invincible in the Gamma crush super as he goes up? Meaning, let's say I got Aircomboed by Psy or storm or cable. They then try to end it with a super, but they whiff the super. Is it possible for me, while I'm on the ground to do a gamma crush, hit them through the super? Like, let's say Cable does a superjump level AHVB. Can i gamma crush throught the beam and come down on top of cable, thereby dealing out ridiculous damage? Or let's say storm whiffs a lightning storm. can I go up for a gamma crush while she's still surrounded by lightning? same with psy and her butterflys. IP: Logged TimeFlip Kirby likes Jigglypuffs Posts: 1393 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: Oakwood Mall/Rainbow Lanes, Louisiana Posted: September 20th, 2001 08:49 PM A good tactic to use is Hulk's air throw into assist. Jugg's Dash works well, as well as Storm's Proj. And for a combo. (Hulk in corner)/BH AAA J.Rk/\Jp, Gamma Tornado, OTG Sk+Bh, FpxxGamma Crush That should work. Hulk's not too fancy on the combos, but he gets the job done. __________________ The Kirby Dance: <('.'< ) (>'.')> ^( '.')> <('.' )^ <( '.' )> Kirby doing a HVB: (>'.')>^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v<( @.@)^ Kirby using an Ice Beam: (> '.')>--------^('.')^ Visit Clockw0rk's Site!!! Louisiana Players Unite! PsychoSquall ownz j00!!! Blackheart Rises!!! And pokes you in the eye!!! IP: Logged Incredible Hulk Hulk crush pixies Posts: 343 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: AUSTIN,TEXAS Posted: September 20th, 2001 08:50 PM quote: Originally posted by Mr. E this might be a weird question, but... is hulk invincible in the Gamma crush super as he goes up? Meaning, let's say I got Aircomboed by Psy or storm or cable. They then try to end it with a super, but they whiff the super. Is it possible for me, while I'm on the ground to do a gamma crush, hit them through the super? Like, let's say Cable does a superjump level AHVB. Can i gamma crush throught the beam and come down on top of cable, thereby dealing out ridiculous damage? Or let's say storm whiffs a lightning storm. can I go up for a gamma crush while she's still surrounded by lightning? same with psy and her butterflys. Hulk can be hit pretty much the whole time the super is going. On the way up and on the way down. I have been stopped by dragon punches(not just kens) on the way down. If you go though a beam or lighting it will hit you. I am pretty sure the only time he can shrug hits off is when he is on the ground, because of his super armor I guess. But the real problem with gamma crush is with ppl mashing it. Even if they are above you they will still hit the ground before you come down and be able to mash. To counter this call an assist like juggs earthquake at the same time you crush, that way when they land they will be in the quake. The quake hits will be long enough to hold them there until hulk returns with the big rock. This does massage damage since they are standing when the rock hits them. I believe Terazon told me about this along time ago just to give credit where it is due. __________________ Don't do school and stay in drugs IP: Logged Incredible Hulk Hulk crush pixies Posts: 343 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: AUSTIN,TEXAS Posted: September 20th, 2001 08:53 PM quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip And for a combo. (Hulk in corner)/BH AAA J.Rk/\Jp, Gamma Tornado, OTG Sk+Bh, FpxxGamma Crush great combo. I will have to try it. __________________ Don't do school and stay in drugs IP: Logged Terazon Senior Member Posts: 254 Registered: Aug 2000 Location: Posted: September 21st, 2001 06:56 PM I will tell you a few ways to stop people from mashing out of the gamma crush. Alot of this here is old news. 1]Keep them in hitstun standing on the ground. -Examples: a.Flying 2lk,land, lk, Call Spiral-y[ground],mk,xx Gamma crush. b.Flying 2lk,Call Jugg-a[dash],lk,mk cancelled to a gamma crush. Mid screen only 2]Put something on the ground for the victim to fall on or have them dragged and held off the ground helpless. -Examples: a.Ducking hp[2 hit]+ BH-B[anti-air], Gamma Crush, hold towards. b.My Masterpiece: The Helfire Corner Martini Dash Jump in, hk or 2lk, land, call Ironman, 2 Ducking mk, Cancelled Gamma Crush, Hold down on the controller. This combo is extremely powerful. On Dreamcast it is 143/143 damage. 3]Elevate the victim too high to allow this to happen so they don't touch the ground. Incredible Hulk's combos fall under this category. -Example: a.Launch the opponent in the corner with Cable, lp,lk,mp,mk, AHVB, Cancelled Gamma Crush. They won't make it to the ground before they get hit by the asteroid. At the end the asteroid falls through the victim falls through them and explodes [generally] killing the victim. b.That Psylocke Hulk Combo is probably an example of this. 4]Cancell off the launcher either just after the first hit, or on contact with the second hit. There is a slight pause 1/60th of a second before the effect of the launcher engages and the hit. If you cancell as soon as the second hit touches the superlaunch state won't occur. If you are late, the victim will be in a superlaunch state, and if hit on the way out now, Pseudo flying screen activates allowing the mash out to occur. You may need to hold towards with this technique. 5]Use a tripe that holds them off the ground in hit stun, or on the ground till the asteroid hits. -Example: a.Hulk, Juggernaut, Colossus 2 Ducking lk, Triple. You more than likely just killed a character. b.Hulk, Jin, Megaman Launch, Triple with Jin or Hulk. Alittle less practical, due to the team design, but an example none the less. Another thing you can do is experiment with assists and throwing people into them. This is to bypass the ability to block so that they must tech hit or lose massive health. Here is an example. -Ironman [Or War Machine]-B Throw in the direction you are facing after calling these, Gamma Charge, Gamma wave. 6/7 health lost from this combo. You can even launch for air combos instead. -Doom B Throw them into this and launch them. I'm concidering to bring my Hulk back for experimental and fun purposes. Last edited by Terazon on September 21st, 2001 at 07:06 PM IP: Logged All times are GMT. The time now is 08:43 PM. Forum Rules: You may post new threads. You may post replies. You may post attachments. You may edit your posts. Posting Rules: HTML code is OFF. Smilies are ON. vB code is ON ([IMG] code is OFF).Admin Options: Open / Close Move / Copy Delete Edit Merge Split Stick / Unstick Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Copyright ©2000, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited.